PM Info r Style Info Arial :PRINTLAYOUT :REPORTDATA Arial System fStyleInfo Info Pages fStyleInfo fMessage Info Pages Page Summary of PageMaker 5.0 publication "C:\PM5\CALENDAR.PM5" Printed fpmAppCmdLine C:\PM5\PM5.EXE fpmDocsDir C:\PM5\PM5.EXE Uelected file Uarguement. KWindows DDE facility used -- language queries commands retrieve -- information, which a single (one -- per 4myWindowHandle, pmWindowHandle, pmAppCmdLine, pmDocsDir initDLLs initMenus FindWindow(0," "C:\PM5\ .EXE" cleanUp unlinkDLLs "tbkdlg.dll" STRING opendlg ( J "tbkwin. INT yieldApp() WORD DWORD, SetActiveWindow( HShowWindow( -- Delete except fields selectPage "fStyleInfo" "fMessage" e"Retrieve " alias pmGetAllInfo ,PrintStyles e"Configure" -- Open a read , creating a separate each definition. File, 4pmStyleList, vBuffer, vWork 4pmMeasureUnits, pmVertical, pmCustomPoints -- Get ,"*.PM5","Choose a Document..."," pmFile showStatus "Loading " && pmGetPublication pmGetPageInfo pmGetBookList pmGetLinkInfo pmGetStyles --close down pmCmd " pmPrintStyles 4pmStyleCount, 4pmPublication ZvPrint, sv_DateFormat, sv_TimeFormat "All "Cancel" 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 360, 7275 printerSize 8981, 0 FALSE "Summary 5.0 publication" \ & CRLF & "Printed ~d ~t" "Couldn't access . Please Xyour " & \ installation Control Panel." \ f"OK" default pmConfigure ("Enter full 5.0" M initial directory documents" 4pmReply pmQuery "getpubname" Retrieving setup..." writeField " underlineIt 1,2 measurement units measureunits" strRep( ,"Inches, t,Millimeters,Picas,Ciceros") agesize" dimensions:" && && " H" && boldIt 1,2 agenumbers" ageoptions" Start #:" && Number Pages:" && Options:" && ,"Single-sided,Double- , Facing , Restart numbering" agemargins" Margins " && TAB & "Inside" & Outside" & MTop" & eBottom" & :" && "Arabic numeral 1, 2, 3, ..." & $ = 1 :" && "Upper Roman I, II, III, ..." & h = 2 :" && " >i, ii, iii, ..." & = 3 :" && " ~alphabetic A, B, C, ... AA, BB, CC, ..." & = 4 :" && " Pa, b, b, ... aa, bb, cc, ..." & index prefix:" && details list..." %" & Publications \: None" & :" & Auto renumbering:" && ,Next even ") & boldit 1,2 Links" & links" Linked files :" && (i-1)*3 + 2 (i-1)*3 + 3 (i-1)*3 + 4 & ", " & & ", ZtheStyle names stylenames" "There are no defined " && f"OK" pmStyleName p:" & unQuote( K) & Opening " && stylebegin" && QUOTE & basedon" """No Based on:" & nextstyle" """Same :" & type specifcations p && Type specifications" & font" Font:" & :" & points" typeposition" Position:" & ,"Normal,Superscript,Subscript") & leading" "Leading:" & F Case:" & caps,Small ") & width" -:" & percent" track" Track:" & ,"No +,VeryLoose, Tight, tight") & color" Color:" & typestyle" :" & multiStrRep( ,"1,2,4,8,16,128"," Bold,Italic,Underline,StrikeThru,Reverse") & typeoptions" :" & /subscript :" & :" & :" & Basline :" & ,"up, ") & Paragraph Specifications" & Indents:" & :" & araspace" Left" & Before" & First" & After" & Right" & alignment" Alignment:" & ,Justify,Force ") & araoptions" Keep lines together" & Column 4" & 4" & clude table contents" & t" && && " Widow control" && && " Orphan && " rules && #" & ruleabove" Rule : No" & :" & ,Hairline,0.5 pt,1 pt,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt,thin/ ,thick/ dash,medium squares,dots custom") & :" & :" & ,"Width column") & :" & rulebelow" : No" & :" & t,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt, :" & :" & :" & ruleoptions" = -1 Top:" & " && && " baseline" & && " = -1 :" & " && && " :" & && " :" & No" & :" & Yes" & Grid :" & && " attributes Spacing -" & Word :" & Letter :" & wordspace" letterspace" Minimum" & %" & %" & Desired" & ^ & %" & %" & Maximum" & %" & %" & spaceoptions" No pair kerning" & Pair && " method:" && ,"Proportional,Top Baseline") & Autoleading:" && & "% /tabs #" & `; pre- kevery 0.5 (3 picas)" & && " :" & (i-1)*3 + 2 (i-1)*3 + 3 (i-1)*3 + 4 ,Center, ,Decimal") && " " && ) = "" fno leader S(s)" & S(s)" && hyphenation Hyphenation" & (:" && ,"Off,On (Manual only),On ( plus dictionary),On ( algorithm)") & Limit consecutive hyphens :" && "No limit" & :" && zone:" && , && 3% & $Closing $styleend" query theQuery " && M" && $theCommand " && M" && record theText quotes ; assumes quotedString -- translate a equivalent A! theItem, theItemList |mask equivalents theMask, theBits, ', vMask D)-i = >= c)-i & "+" !firstWord,lastWord (theMessage tDLLs pmPrintStyles pmConfigure cleanUp pmGetPublication leaveBook pmGetPageInfo pmGetBookList unlinkDLLs pmGetLinkInfo pmGetStyles initMenus pmQuery enterBook pmCmd writeField pmGetAllInfo boldIt underlineIt initDLLs showStatus strRep unQuote multiStrRep enterBook oinitDLLs initMenus Print PageMaker Style Info FindWindow C:\PM5\PM5.EXE myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmDocsDir leaveBook 06cleanUp unlinkDLLs initDLLs tbkdlg.dll opendlg tbkwin.dll yieldApp FindWindow SetActiveWindow ShowWindow cleanUp selectPage clear fStyleInfo fMessage unlinkDLLs tbkdlg.dll tbkwin.dll initMenus PageMaker Retrieve Style Info PageMaker Print Style Info PageMaker PageMaker Configure PageMaker pmConfigure pmPrintStyles pmGetAllInfo pmGetAllInfo *.PM5 Choose a PageMaker Document... opendlg showStatus Loading PageMaker with document yieldApp SetActiveWindow pmGetPublication h?pmGetPageInfo XpmGetBookList LpmGetLinkInfo pmGetStyles pmCmd pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmStyleList vBuffer vWork myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmPrintStyles Print this style or all styles? This style All styles Cancel Cancel fStyleInfo Summary of PageMaker 5.0 publication Printed ~d ~t Page ~p This style Couldn't access the printer. Please check your printer installation in the Windows Control Panel. default vPrint sv_DateFormat sv_TimeFormat pmPublication pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmStyleCount pmStyleList vBuffer vWork myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmConfigure Enter the full command line to run Aldus PageMaker 5.0 Enter the initial directory to search for your PageMaker documents myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmGetPublication ZpmQuery getpubname pmPublication pmReply pmGetPageInfo showStatus Retrieving page setup... writeField Page setup underlineIt ZpmQuery getmeasureunits Inches,Inches decimal,Millimeters,Picas,Ciceros strRep Inches,Inches decimal,Millimeters,Picas,Ciceros,Custom strRep ZpmQuery getpagesize writeField Page dimensions: boldIt ZpmQuery getpagenumbers ZpmQuery getpageoptions writeField Start page #: boldIt writeField Number of Pages: boldIt writeField Options: Single-sided,Double-sided strRep writeField , Facing pages writeField , Restart page numbering writeField boldIt ZpmQuery getpagemargins writeField Margins in boldIt writeField Inside Outside boldIt boldIt writeField Bottom boldIt boldIt writeField writeField Page numbering underlineIt writeField Style: Arabic numeral 1, 2, 3, ... writeField Style: Upper Roman I, II, III, ... writeField Style: Lower Roman i, ii, iii, ... writeField Style: Upper alphabetic A, B, C, ... AA, BB, CC, ... writeField Style: Lower alphabetic a, b, b, ... aa, bb, cc, ... boldIt writeField TOC and index prefix: boldIt vWork pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmReply pmGetBookList showStatus Retrieving book publication list... ZpmQuery getbook writeField writeField Book publication list underlineIt writeField Publications in book list: None boldIt writeField Publications in book list: boldIt writeField writeField Auto renumbering: None,Next page,Next odd page,Next even page strRep boldit pmReply pmGetLinkInfo showStatus Retrieving link information... writeField writeField Links underlineIt ZpmQuery getlinks writeField Linked files in document: None boldIt writeField Linked files in document: boldIt writeField , page fStyleInfo pmReply "L#)# .pmGetStyles showStatus Retrieving list of styles... ZpmQuery getstylenames There are no styles defined in the document y5newPage fStyleInfo writeField Style name: unQuote boldIt showStatus Opening style pmCmd stylebegin ZpmQuery getbasedon "No style" writeField Based on: unQuote boldIt ZpmQuery getnextstyle "Same style" writeField Next style: unQuote boldIt showStatus Retrieving type specifcations for style writeField writeField Type specifications underlineIt ZpmQuery getfont writeField Font: unQuote boldIt ZpmQuery getsize writeField Size: points ZpmQuery gettypeposition writeField Position: Normal,Superscript,Subscript strRep boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getleading Leading: points fStyleInfo ZpmQuery getcase Case: Normal,All caps,Small caps strRep fStyleInfo boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getwidth Normal writeField Set width: percent ZpmQuery gettrack writeField Track: No track,VeryLoose,Loose,Normal,Tight,Very tight strRep boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getcolor writeField Color: unQuote boldIt ZpmQuery gettypestyle writeField Type style: 1,2,4,8,16,128 Normal,Bold,Italic,Underline,StrikeThru,Reverse multiStrRep boldIt showStatus Retrieving type options for style writeField writeField Type options underlineIt ZpmQuery gettypeoptions writeField Small caps size: % of point size boldIt writeField Super/subscript size: % of point size boldIt writeField Superscript position: % of point size boldIt writeField Subscript position: % of point size boldIt writeField Basline shift: points up,down strRep boldIt showStatus Retrieving paragraph specifications for style writeField writeField Paragraph Specifications underlineIt writeField Indents: Paragraph space: boldIt ZpmQuery getindents ZpmQuery getparaspace writeField Before boldIt boldIt writeField First After boldIt boldIt writeField Right boldIt ZpmQuery getalignment writeField Alignment: Align left,Align center,Align right,Justify,Force justify strRep boldIt ZpmQuery getparaoptions writeField Options: None boldIt writeField Options: boldIt writeField Keep lines together writeField Column break before writeField Page break before writeField Include in table of contents writeField Keep with next lines writeField Widow control lines writeField Orphan control lines showStatus Retrieving paragraph rules for style writeField writeField Paragraph rules underlineIt ZpmQuery getruleabove writeField Rule above paragraph: No boldIt writeField Rule above paragraph boldIt writeField Line style: None,Hairline,0.5 pt,1 pt,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt,thin/thin,thick/thin,thin/thick,thin/thick/thin,thin dash,medium dash,thick dash,squares,dots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,custom strRep boldIt writeField Line color: unQuote boldIt writeField Line width: Width of text,Width of column strRep boldIt writeField Indent: Right boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getrulebelow writeField Rule below paragraph: No boldIt writeField Rule below paragraph boldIt writeField Line style: None,Hairline,0.5 pt,1 pt,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt,thin/thin,thick/thin,thin/thick,thin/thick/thin,thin dash,medium dash,thick dash,squares,dots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,custom strRep boldIt writeField Line color: unQuote boldIt writeField Line width: Width of text,Width of column strRep boldIt writeField Indent: Right boldIt boldIt writeField writeField Paragraph rule options underlineIt ZpmQuery getruleoptions writeField above baseline writeField above baseline boldIt writeField Bottom: below baseline writeField Bottom: below baseline boldIt writeField Align to grid: boldIt writeField Align to grid: boldIt writeField Grid size: points boldIt showStatus Retrieving spacing attributes for style writeField writeField Spacing attributes underlineIt writeField Word space: Letter space: boldIt ZpmQuery getwordspace ZpmQuery getletterspace writeField Minimum Minimum boldIt boldIt writeField Desired Desired boldIt boldIt writeField Maximum Maximum boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getspaceoptions writeField No pair kerning writeField Pair kerning: Auto above points boldIt writeField Leading method: Proportional,Top of caps,Baseline strRep boldIt writeField Autoleading: % of point size boldIt showStatus Retrieving indents/tabs for style writeField writeField Indents/tabs underlineIt ZpmQuery gettabs writeField No user-defined tabs; pre-defined tabs every 0.5 inches (3 picas) writeField user-defined tabs: writeField Left,Center,Right,Decimal strRep tab at position unQuote writeField , with no leader character(s) writeField , with leader character(s) showStatus Retrieving hyphenation for style writeField writeField Hyphenation underlineIt ZpmQuery gethyphenation writeField Hyphenation: Off,On (Manual only),On (Manual plus dictionary),On (Manual plus algorithm) strRep boldIt writeField Limit consecutive hyphens to: No limit writeField Limit consecutive hyphens to: boldIt writeField Hyphenation zone: boldIt writeField showStatus Closing style pmCmd styleend showStatus fStyleInfo i:to1 pmStyleName theStyle:to theStyle pmReply pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmStyleCount pmStyleList vBuffer vWork myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmQuery getremote application PageMaker topic pmReply theQuery pmCmd executeRemote application PageMaker topic theCommand writeField fStyleInfo theText unQuote quotedString strRep theItemList theItem multiStrRep vWork vMask theItemList theBits theMask boldIt fStyleInfo fStyleInfo lastWord firstWord underlineIt fStyleInfo fStyleInfo lastWord firstWord showStatus fMessage theMessage =Mhpminfo.ico DDDDDDDDD DDNDDD DDDDDDDDD wwwwwwwp wwwww 3, plotter.tpf,,,, 1990-04-21,,,, !READONLY,,,,,, 10560,,,,, !VITAL "hjwdisk3" = 3, simplex.tpf,,,, 1989-07-21,,,, !READONLY,,,,,, 11120,,,,, !VITAL "hjwdisk3" = 3, triplex.tpf,,,, 1989-07-30,,,, !READONLY,,,,,, 28120,,,,, !VITAL "hjwdisk3" = 3, oldeng.tpf,,,, 1991-03-18,,,, !READONLY,,,,,, 32648,,,,, !VITAL "hjwdisk3" = 3, hjwhook.dll,,,, 1993-06-12,,,, !READONLY,,,,,, 19687,,,,, "hjwdisk3" = 3, default.tpf,,,, 1991-10-03,,,, !READONLY,,,,,, 43408,,,,, "hjwdisk3" = 1, hjpro.hlp,,,, 1993-06-10,,,, !REF VVVVVV <0rB& <9w<& <0tu& <2wo& &9W u &9G"u &9W$u VPPPP PPPPPP u%j^j <)ub& <0rt<7wp& <0r=<7w9 , t!, ?\u"& ?\u & <\t & <\t & PPPPPP <}t\& OtEF& ?}t>& OtFF& ?(uF& <)t)t -- PMSTYLES.TBK -- Print PageMaker Style Info -- Copyright 1993 Network Engineering Team, Industrial Research Ltd, -- Lower Hutt, New Zealand. Ph: +64 (04) 569- . Fax: +64 (04) 569-0067. -- email: -- This toolbook prints a complete description the styles Aldus Pagemaker 5.0 document. The user selects Uelected file Uarguement. KWindows DDE facility used -- language queries commands retrieve -- information, which a single (one -- per 4myWindowHandle, pmWindowHandle, pmAppCmdLine, pmDocsDir initDLLs initMenus FindWindow(0," "fpmAppCmdLine" "fpmDocsDir" cleanUp unlinkDLLs "tbkdlg.dll" STRING opendlg ( J "tbkwin. INT yieldApp() WORD DWORD, SetActiveWindow( HShowWindow( -- Delete except fields selectPage "fStyleInfo" "fMessage" e"Retrieve " alias pmGetAllInfo ,PrintStyles e"Configure" -- Open a read , creating a separate each definition. File, 4pmStyleList, vBuffer, vWork 4pmMeasureUnits, pmVertical, pmCustomPoints -- Get ,"*.PM5","Choose a Document..."," pmFile showStatus "Loading " && pmGetPublication pmGetPageInfo pmGetBookList pmGetLinkInfo pmGetStyles --close down pmCmd " pmPrintStyles 4pmStyleCount, 4pmPublication ZvPrint, sv_DateFormat, sv_TimeFormat "All "Cancel" 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440 360, 7275 printerSize 8981, 0 FALSE "Summary 5.0 publication" \ & CRLF & "Printed ~d ~t" ~p" "Couldn't access . Please Xyour " & \ installation Control Panel." \ f"OK" default pmConfigure ("Enter 3 full 5.0" initial directory documents" 4pmReply pmQuery "getpubname" Retrieving setup..." writeField " underlineIt 1,2 measurement units measureunits" strRep( ,"Inches, t,Millimeters,Picas,Ciceros") agesize" dimensions:" && && " H" && boldIt 1,2 agenumbers" ageoptions" Start #:" && Number Pages:" && Options:" && ,"Single-sided,Double- , Facing , Restart numbering" agemargins" Margins " && TAB & "Inside" & Outside" & MTop" & eBottom" & = 0 :" && "Arabic numeral 1, 2, 3, ..." & U = 1 :" && "Upper Roman I, II, III, ..." & = 2 :" && " >i, ii, iii, ..." & = 3 :" && " ~alphabetic A, B, C, ... AA, BB, CC, ..." & :" && " Pa, b, b, ... aa, bb, cc, ..." & index prefix:" && details list..." %" & Publications \: None" & :" & Auto renumbering:" && ,Next even ") & boldit 1,2 Links" & links" Linked files :" && (i-1)*3 + 2 (i-1)*3 + 3 (i-1)*3 + 4 & ", " & & ", ZtheStyle names stylenames" "There are no defined " && f"OK" pmStyleName p:" & unQuote( K) & Opening " && stylebegin" && QUOTE & basedon" """No Based on:" & nextstyle" """Same :" & type specifcations p && Type specifications" & font" Font:" & :" & points" typeposition" Position:" & ,"Normal,Superscript,Subscript") & leading" "Leading:" & F Case:" & caps,Small ") & width" -:" & percent" track" Track:" & ,"No +,VeryLoose, Tight, tight") & color" Color:" & typestyle" :" & multiStrRep( ,"1,2,4,8,16,128"," Bold,Italic,Underline,StrikeThru,Reverse") & typeoptions" :" & /subscript :" & :" & :" & Basline :" & ,"up, ") & Paragraph Specifications" & Indents:" & :" & araspace" Left" & Before" & First" & After" & Right" & alignment" Alignment:" & ,Justify,Force ") & araoptions" Keep lines together" & Column 4" & 4" & clude table contents" & t" && && " Widow control" && && " Orphan && " rules && #" & ruleabove" Rule : No" & :" & ,Hairline,0.5 pt,1 pt,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt,thin/ ,thick/ dash,medium squares,dots custom") & :" & :" & ,"Width column") & :" & rulebelow" : No" & :" & t,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt, :" & :" & :" & ruleoptions" = -1 Top:" & " && && " baseline" & && " = -1 :" & " && && " :" & && " :" & No" & :" & Yes" & Grid :" & && " attributes Spacing -" & Word :" & Letter :" & wordspace" letterspace" Minimum" & 4 & %" & %" & Desired" & %" & %" & Maximum" & %" & %" & spaceoptions" No pair kerning" & Pair && " method:" && ,"Proportional,Top Baseline") & Autoleading:" && & "% /tabs #" & `; pre- kevery 0.5 (3 picas)" & && " :" & (i-1)*3 + 2 (i-1)*3 + 3 (i-1)*3 + 4 ,Center, ,Decimal") && " " && ) = "" fno leader S(s)" & S(s)" && hyphenation Hyphenation" & (:" && ,"Off,On (Manual only),On ( plus dictionary),On ( algorithm)") & Limit consecutive hyphens :" && "No limit" & :" && zone:" && , && d% & $Closing 4$styleend" query theQuery " && M" && $theCommand " && M" && record theText quotes ; assumes quotedString -- translate a equivalent A! theItem, theItemList |mask equivalents theMask, theBits, ', vMask D)-i = >= c)-i & "+" !firstWord,lastWord (theMessage tDLLs pmPrintStyles pmConfigure cleanUp pmGetPublication leaveBook pmGetPageInfo pmGetBookList unlinkDLLs pmGetLinkInfo pmGetStyles initMenus pmQuery enterBook pmCmd writeField pmGetAllInfo boldIt underlineIt initDLLs showStatus strRep unQuote multiStrRep enterBook oinitDLLs initMenus Print PageMaker Style Info FindWindow fpmAppCmdLine fpmDocsDir myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmDocsDir leaveBook 06cleanUp unlinkDLLs initDLLs tbkdlg.dll opendlg tbkwin.dll yieldApp FindWindow SetActiveWindow ShowWindow cleanUp selectPage clear fStyleInfo fMessage unlinkDLLs tbkdlg.dll tbkwin.dll initMenus PageMaker Retrieve Style Info PageMaker Print Style Info PageMaker PageMaker Configure PageMaker pmConfigure pmPrintStyles pmGetAllInfo pmGetAllInfo *.PM5 Choose a PageMaker Document... opendlg showStatus Loading PageMaker with document yieldApp SetActiveWindow pmGetPublication h?pmGetPageInfo XpmGetBookList LpmGetLinkInfo pmGetStyles pmCmd pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmStyleList vBuffer vWork myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmPrintStyles Print this style or all styles? This style All styles Cancel Cancel fStyleInfo Summary of PageMaker 5.0 publication Printed ~d ~t Page ~p This style Couldn't access the printer. Please check your printer installation in the Windows Control Panel. default vPrint sv_DateFormat sv_TimeFormat pmPublication pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmStyleCount pmStyleList vBuffer vWork myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmConfigure Enter the full command line to run Aldus PageMaker 5.0 fpmAppCmdLine Enter the initial directory to search for your PageMaker documents fpmDocsDir myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmGetPublication ZpmQuery getpubname pmPublication pmReply pmGetPageInfo showStatus Retrieving page setup... writeField Page setup underlineIt ZpmQuery getmeasureunits Inches,Inches decimal,Millimeters,Picas,Ciceros strRep Inches,Inches decimal,Millimeters,Picas,Ciceros,Custom strRep ZpmQuery getpagesize writeField Page dimensions: boldIt ZpmQuery getpagenumbers ZpmQuery getpageoptions writeField Start page #: boldIt writeField Number of Pages: boldIt writeField Options: Single-sided,Double-sided strRep writeField , Facing pages writeField , Restart page numbering writeField boldIt ZpmQuery getpagemargins writeField Margins in boldIt writeField Inside Outside boldIt boldIt writeField Bottom boldIt boldIt writeField writeField Page numbering underlineIt writeField Style: Arabic numeral 1, 2, 3, ... writeField Style: Upper Roman I, II, III, ... writeField Style: Lower Roman i, ii, iii, ... writeField Style: Upper alphabetic A, B, C, ... AA, BB, CC, ... writeField Style: Lower alphabetic a, b, b, ... aa, bb, cc, ... boldIt writeField TOC and index prefix: boldIt vWork pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmReply pmGetBookList showStatus Retrieving book publication list... ZpmQuery getbook writeField writeField Book publication list underlineIt writeField Publications in book list: None boldIt writeField Publications in book list: boldIt writeField writeField Auto renumbering: None,Next page,Next odd page,Next even page strRep boldit pmReply pmGetLinkInfo showStatus Retrieving link information... writeField writeField Links underlineIt ZpmQuery getlinks writeField Linked files in document: None boldIt writeField Linked files in document: boldIt writeField , page fStyleInfo pmReply .pmGetStyles showStatus Retrieving list of styles... ZpmQuery getstylenames There are no styles defined in the document y5newPage fStyleInfo writeField Style name: unQuote boldIt showStatus Opening style pmCmd stylebegin ZpmQuery getbasedon "No style" writeField Based on: unQuote boldIt ZpmQuery getnextstyle "Same style" writeField Next style: unQuote boldIt showStatus Retrieving type specifcations for style writeField writeField Type specifications underlineIt ZpmQuery getfont writeField Font: unQuote boldIt ZpmQuery getsize writeField Size: points ZpmQuery gettypeposition writeField Position: Normal,Superscript,Subscript strRep boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getleading Leading: points fStyleInfo ZpmQuery getcase Case: Normal,All caps,Small caps strRep fStyleInfo boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getwidth Normal writeField Set width: percent ZpmQuery gettrack writeField Track: No track,VeryLoose,Loose,Normal,Tight,Very tight strRep boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getcolor writeField Color: unQuote boldIt ZpmQuery gettypestyle writeField Type style: 1,2,4,8,16,128 Normal,Bold,Italic,Underline,StrikeThru,Reverse multiStrRep boldIt showStatus Retrieving type options for style writeField writeField Type options underlineIt ZpmQuery gettypeoptions writeField Small caps size: % of point size boldIt writeField Super/subscript size: % of point size boldIt writeField Superscript position: % of point size boldIt writeField Subscript position: % of point size boldIt writeField Basline shift: points up,down strRep boldIt showStatus Retrieving paragraph specifications for style writeField writeField Paragraph Specifications underlineIt writeField Indents: Paragraph space: boldIt ZpmQuery getindents ZpmQuery getparaspace writeField Before boldIt boldIt writeField First After boldIt boldIt writeField Right boldIt ZpmQuery getalignment writeField Alignment: Align left,Align center,Align right,Justify,Force justify strRep boldIt ZpmQuery getparaoptions writeField Options: None boldIt writeField Options: boldIt writeField Keep lines together writeField Column break before writeField Page break before writeField Include in table of contents writeField Keep with next lines writeField Widow control lines writeField Orphan control lines showStatus Retrieving paragraph rules for style writeField writeField Paragraph rules underlineIt ZpmQuery getruleabove writeField Rule above paragraph: No boldIt writeField Rule above paragraph boldIt writeField Line style: None,Hairline,0.5 pt,1 pt,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt,thin/thin,thick/thin,thin/thick,thin/thick/thin,thin dash,medium dash,thick dash,squares,dots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,custom strRep boldIt writeField Line color: unQuote boldIt writeField Line width: Width of text,Width of column strRep boldIt writeField Indent: Right boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getrulebelow writeField Rule below paragraph: No boldIt writeField Rule below paragraph boldIt writeField Line style: None,Hairline,0.5 pt,1 pt,2 pt,4 pt,6 pt,8 pt,12 pt,thin/thin,thick/thin,thin/thick,thin/thick/thin,thin dash,medium dash,thick dash,squares,dots,,,,,,,,,,,,,,custom strRep boldIt writeField Line color: unQuote boldIt writeField Line width: Width of text,Width of column strRep boldIt writeField Indent: Right boldIt boldIt writeField writeField Paragraph rule options underlineIt ZpmQuery getruleoptions writeField above baseline writeField above baseline boldIt writeField Bottom: below baseline writeField Bottom: below baseline boldIt writeField Align to grid: boldIt writeField Align to grid: boldIt writeField Grid size: points boldIt showStatus Retrieving spacing attributes for style writeField writeField Spacing attributes underlineIt writeField Word space: Letter space: boldIt ZpmQuery getwordspace ZpmQuery getletterspace writeField Minimum Minimum boldIt boldIt writeField Desired Desired boldIt boldIt writeField Maximum Maximum boldIt boldIt ZpmQuery getspaceoptions writeField No pair kerning writeField Pair kerning: Auto above points boldIt writeField Leading method: Proportional,Top of caps,Baseline strRep boldIt writeField Autoleading: % of point size boldIt showStatus Retrieving indents/tabs for style writeField writeField Indents/tabs underlineIt ZpmQuery gettabs writeField No user-defined tabs; pre-defined tabs every 0.5 inches (3 picas) writeField user-defined tabs: writeField Left,Center,Right,Decimal strRep tab at position unQuote writeField , with no leader character(s) writeField , with leader character(s) showStatus Retrieving hyphenation for style writeField writeField Hyphenation underlineIt ZpmQuery gethyphenation writeField Hyphenation: Off,On (Manual only),On (Manual plus dictionary),On (Manual plus algorithm) strRep boldIt writeField Limit consecutive hyphens to: No limit writeField Limit consecutive hyphens to: boldIt writeField Hyphenation zone: boldIt writeField showStatus Closing style pmCmd styleend showStatus fStyleInfo i:to1 pmStyleName theStyle:to theStyle pmReply pmMeasureUnits pmVertical pmCustomPoints pmStyleCount pmStyleList vBuffer vWork myWindowHandle pmWindowHandle pmAppCmdLine pmFile pmDocsDir pmQuery getremote application PageMaker topic pmReply theQuery pmCmd executeRemote application PageMaker topic theCommand writeField fStyleInfo theText unQuote quotedString strRep theItemList theItem multiStrRep vWork vMask theItemList theBits theMask boldIt fStyleInfo fStyleInfo lastWord firstWord underlineIt fStyleInfo fStyleInfo lastWord firstWord showStatus fMessage theMessage